The Durham Record / Search / By Keyword / Durham Light Infantry / Cricket Blazer, 1 DLI

The Durham Record

Cricket Blazer, 1 DLI

Cricket Blazer, 1st Battalion DLI, 1890s. This officer's cricket blazer is in the DLI's Regimental colours of dark green with narrow red stripes. The buttons are of the usual Regimental pattern with the Victorian crown. Sport, especially cricket, and later football and rugby, became a vital part of Regimental life in the British Army from the mid-nineteenth century. Cricket was played by the 68th Light Infantry not only in peace-time but also on campaign in the Crimea and New Zealand. Acc No: 222/2

Item Type:

Cricket Blazer, 1 DLI is an object from the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) Collection.

More information about DLI objects can be found on the DLI Objects web pages

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