The Durham Record / Search / By Person / Bell

The Durham Record


68 Entries found.

  Date Place Type of Item
18th DLI, portrait of two soldiers (DRE9431) 1918 unknown photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR2480775) 2003 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR2480784) 2003 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR2480793) 2003 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR2480802) 2003 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR3060845) 2017 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
5 Walton &1 Bell Tomb @ St Mary, Middleton (SMR3060846) 2017 Middleton-in-Teesdale photograph
Barn Attached South Of Nesbitt Hall, Bellows Burn Lane, Nesbitt (SMR2509603) 2004 Hesledon photograph
Barn Attached South Of Nesbitt Hall, Bellows Burn Lane, Nesbitt (SMR2509612) 2004 Hesledon photograph
Bell Headstone @ St Romald, Romaldkirk (SMR2531841) 2007 Romaldkirk photograph
Bell Headstone @ St Romald, Romaldkirk (SMR2531850) 2007 Romaldkirk photograph
Bell, Edward Robson (DLI10854) Picture
Bell, Edwin Charles (DLI2878) Picture
Bell, Robert Francis (DLI6031) Picture
Blue Bell Public House, 1 Thorngate, Barnard Castle (SMR2550070) 2002 Barnard Castle photograph
Blue Bell Public House, 1 Thorngate, Barnard Castle (SMR2550079) 2003 Barnard Castle photograph
Blue Bell Public House, 1 Thorngate, Barnard Castle (SMR3120075) 08/2001 Barnard Castle photograph
Brancepeth Colliery, Stone Drift East (DRE4026) 1929-1933 Brancepeth photograph
Brancepeth Colliery, bell repairer (DRE450) c.1929 Brancepeth photograph
Brandon Colliery, miner picked for TA celebrations (DRE455) 1957 Brandon photograph
Burnhope Quarry (DRE3726) 1933 Burnhope (Weardale) photograph
Chilton & Windlestone WMC FC (DRE4287) c.1970 Chilton photograph
Chilton, School netball team, cup winners (DRE4275) 1936 Chilton photograph
Chilton, Windlestone Colliery Band (DRE2261) 1933 Chilton photograph
Cocken Hall, 18th DLI, Corporal E C Bell (DRE9429) 1918 unknown photograph
Cockerton, St Mary's Church, choir (DRE8666) 1954 Cockerton photograph
Crook, Library, staff and councillors (DRE4189) 1949 Crook photograph
Crook, portrait of a soldier of three wars (i) (DRE3900) c.1901 Crook photograph
Crook, portrait of a soldier of three wars (ii) (DRE3901) 1914-1918 Crook photograph
Crook, portrait of a soldier of three wars (iii) (DRE3902) 1939-1945 Crook photograph
Darlington Butchers' Football Club (DRE10518) 1930 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Bell's Place (DRE7891) 1973 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Bell's Place (DRE8697) c.1960 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Blackwellgate, Three Blue Bells (DRE7943) 1910 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Gladstone Street, Higher Grade School (DRE6060) c.1914-1915 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Cricket Team (DRE5987) 1929 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Cricket Team (DRE5988) 1930 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Cricket Team (DRE5989) 1931 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Football Team (DRE5946) 1930 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Rugby Team (DRE5923) 1933 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Rugby Team (DRE5924) 1934 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Grammar School, Rugby Team (DRE5930) 1939 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Mayor and Corporation Officers (DRE10067) 1930 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Mayors, surviving group (DRE10066) 1930 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Men's Own Executive (DRE5797) 1911 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Northgate, Bell & Rayner's (DRE8591) c.1955 Darlington photograph
Darlington, Sir E D Walker Homes, residents (DRE10773) 1928-1929 Darlington photograph
Darlington, portrait of Alderman H P Bell (DRE8374) c.1958 Darlington photograph
Darlington, portrait of Herbert Pybus Bell (DRE5792) 1929 Darlington photograph
Durham Cathedral, bellringers (DRE979) 1980 Durham City photograph
Durham Cathedral, from the south west. (DRE804) date unknown Durham City photograph
Durham Cathedral, interior, nave (DRE954) date unknown Durham City photograph
Durham Cathedral, interior, south aisle (DRE953) date unknown Durham City photograph
Durham Cathedral, vibration tests (DRE857) 1968 Durham City photograph
Durham Cathedral, vibration tests (DRE858) 1968 Durham City photograph
Durham University, Sailing Club (DRE1519) 1966 Durham City photograph
Durham University, Sailing Club (DRE1520) 1966 Durham City photograph
Lanchester, Front Street and Blue Bell Inn (DRE4574) 1889-1904 Lanchester photograph
Locomotive built by William Hedley (DRE4819) 1889 unknown photograph
Portrait of Dr David Bellamy (DRE10965) 1976 unknown photograph
Ripon, 18th DLI, informal group (DRE9428) 1915 Ripon photograph
Rookhope, Peg's Dam, Florence Elizabeth Craggs, portrait (DRE3676) 1930-1940 Rookhope photograph
Seaton Carew, smithy (DRE9618) 1885-1890 Seaton Carew photograph
Seaton Carew, village blacksmith (DRE9644) 1885-1890 Seaton Carew photograph
Slight, John Campbell (DLI6521) Picture
Tanfield, Church, Fred Lowe (DRE4648) c.1920? Tanfield photograph
Wearhead, Weardale Band (DRE3730) c.1900? Wearhead photograph
West Auckland, portrait of a little girl, Edna Bell (DRE4006) 1900 West Auckland photograph

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